Happy #FailureFriday! So I speak a lot about Brave, Not Perfect… sometimes too much, and this week I really put my foot in my mouth. Anyone else ever misread a room, or have a public speaking blooper? So I was going on and on about law firms, and how I used to be a lawyer, and how nothing is changing in the senior leadership numbers in law, and everyone was just looking at me like I was speaking a foreign language. I actually thought for a minute I might be offending them by speaking too much truth! And then, as I was leaving, one of the amazing women who hosted me just very politely mentioned that actually, they weren’t a law firm… OH. CRAP. I was so embarrassed and felt like a total jerk and kept beating myself up about it all week. But hey, mistakes happen… sometimes publicly. Here’s to forgiving ourselves for the bloopers and taking them in stride!